Normunds Malnacs, Secretary of the Fiscal discipline council




Normunds Malnacs has worked as a director of finance in several companies. He has experience of working on public sector reforms in the World bank.

He has Masters degrees from London School of Economics and University of Illinois.

Phone: (+371) 29178183, e-mail:


Viktorija Zaremba Council macroeconomics expert




Viktorija Zaremba is an economist. Prior to her current position at the Fiscal Council, Viktorija has worked as the director at the Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, and earlier as the scientific secretary and researcher at the Latvian Academy of Sciences.

She received MBA degree at Rīga Stradiņš University and PhD degree at Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, where she specialised in regional economy.

Phone: (+371) 28274267, e-mail:


I.Jansone jauna



 Inga Jansone, lawyer-administration

Phone: (+371) 29495878, e-mail: