Members of the GDP Working Groupare: Inna Šteinbuka, Ulo Kaasik, Jānis Priede (leader).
Its main task is an independent evaluation of the Draft budgetary plan of the government for the next year and following two years. This includes an assessment of the development of nominal and real GDP, of potential growth, of forecasted budget revenues and spending as well as an assessment of the government structural balance.
The first meeting of GDP Working Group took place on February 7th.Minutes (in latvian) available here.
The second meeting of GDP Working Group took place on 4th of June. Minutes available here.
The first meeting of GDP Working Group took place on February 1st.
Minutes of the meeting available here.
The second meeting of GDP Working Group took place on September 4th. Minutes available here.
The first meeting of GDP Working Group took place on February 9th.
Macroeconomic experts from the Bank of Latvia presented their views on the economy development trends. Minutes available here.
The second meeting of GDP Working Group took place on August 4th. Minutes available here.
The first meeting of GDP Working Group took place on February 1st.
Macroeconomic experts from the Bank of Latvia presented their views on the development trends. Minutes available here.
The second meeting of GDP Working Group took place on June 14th. Available here.
The first meeting of GDP Working Group took place on February 5th.
Macroeconomic experts from the Bank of Latvia presented their views on the development trends. Minutes available here.
The first meeting of GDP Working Group took place on January 21st. Macroeconomic experts from the Bank of Latvia presented their views on the development trends. Minutes.
Minutes of the second GDP Working group meeting held on June 11.
On 4 June 2019 GDP working group meeting was held together with experts from the Bank of Latvia. The working group discussed current Latvia's macroeconomic developments, incl. matters regarding economic cycle. During the meeting, there was a discussion on the Latvia's potential and real GDP growth, its limitations and stimulus, and the impact on the development of the economic cycle and output gap in the upcoming years. Meeting minutes.
On 30 January 2019 this year's first GDP working group meeting was held together with experts from the Bank of Latvia. The working group discussed current Latvia's macroeconomic developments, incl. matters regarding economic cycle. During the meeting, there was a discussion on Latvia's potential and real GDP growth, its limitations and stimulus, and the impact on the development of the economic cycle and output gap in the upcoming years. The discussion of the working group also reflected the topicality of the formation of the new government, as well as the expected annual endorsement procedure of the official macroeconomic forecasts of Latvia within the framework of the Stability Programme at the beginning of February. Council meeting minutes.
2 February 2018 meeting minutes.
12 June 2018 meeting minutes.
7 September 2018 meeting minutes.
30 January 2017 meeting minutes.
1 June 2017 meeting minutes.
29 January 2016 meeting minutes.
31 May 2016 meeting minutes.
11 February 2015 meeting minutes available in Latvian.
9 July 2015 meeting minutes.
28 October 2015 meeting minutes.
16 October 2014 meeting minutes available in Latvian.