Due to the extraordinary situation connected with COVID-19 outbreak, the Ministry of Finance has revised the macroeconomic development forecasts, envisaging a deviation from scenario projected for Stability Program 2020/2023 at the February 2020, and endorsed by Council. .

On 3 April, this year the Council received updated macroeconomic forecasts (hereinafter - CoV SP 2020/23), which include the consequences of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis and which will be used to develop the Stability Program 2020-2023.

In accordance with point 4.9. of the Memorandum of Understanding, the Council complements its opinion on macroeconomic forecasts endorsed in February, as macroeconomic developments deviate from the previously agreed scenario due to the pandemic.

Fiscal discipline council letter (No 1-08/189) on the Ministry of Finance's macroeconomic forecast available here.

Annex 1 Opinion on the Ministry of Finance's macroeconomic forecast available here.

Annex 2 Macroeconomic indicators (MS Excel table) available here.